#319 Data Processing Pipelines with TPL Dataflow in C# .NET Core


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this week's favorite

Data Processing Pipelines with TPL Dataflow in C# .NET Core

The TPL Dataflow Library provides a foundation for message passing and parallelizing CPU-intensive and I/O-intensive applications that have high throughput and low latency.

Globalization and Localization in ASP.NET Core

In this article, we will go through a less-talked about topic in the ASP.NET Core Community. We will discuss in detail, Globalization and Localization in ASP.NET Core Application and go through various approaches on changing the Culture of the Application via Request. We will also do some advanced configuration where we store the Selected Language Information to the Cookie in the client browser.

How to Use and Unit Test ILogger

Learn how to use use ILogger, avoid logging pitfalls, and unit test calls to ILogger implementations.

Add Razor runtime compilation when developing ASP.NET Core

Learn how to update Razor files with ASP.NET Core without having to compile and restart the project. This post will go through the multiple ways possible.

A Cleaner Way To Do Entity Configuration With EF Core

Even with my love for Dapper these days, I often have to break out EF Core every now and again. And one of the things that catches me out is just how happy some developers are to make an absolute meal out of Entity Configurations with EF Core. By Entity Configurations, I mean doing a code first design and being able to mark fields as “Required”, or limit their length, or even create indexes on tables. Let’s do a quick dive and see what our options are and what gives us the cleanest result.


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