#352 Async, Await and the UI Problem


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this week's favorite

Async, Await and the UI Problem

The async/await asynchronous programming facilities in .NET solve one of its longstanding problems - how to write an elegant application that uses the UI correctly. But to avoid problems you still need to understand both the problem and the solution.

Debugging a native deadlock in a .NET Linux application

This story begins when one of our integrations tests started got stuck on one PR that seemingly impacted unrelated code. This is a nice excuse to cover some concepts I haven’t touched in my previous articles, such as downloading the .NET symbols on Linux.

Performance Profiling - .NET Object Allocation Tracking

In this video Sagar Shetty shows you how you can see how much memory your app uses and what code paths allocate the most memory by using the .NET Object Allocation tool. This is last video in the series and it has been really eye opening for me. Check them all out if you get the chance!

Exploring the async/await State Machine

The C# compiler does an enormous amount of work so that we can write asynchronous code that looks almost identical to the synchronous version. We pretty much just put the async and await keywords here and there, ending up with an asynchronous execution with all the benefits coming with that.

Five levels of performance tuning for an EF Core query

This is a companion article to the EF Core Community Standup called “Performance tuning an EF Core app” where I apply a series of performance enhancements to a demo ASP.NET Core e-commerce book selling site called the Book App. I start with 700 books, then 100,000 books and finally ½ million books.


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