#367 Exploring .NET interactive notebooks with VS Code


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this week's favorite

Exploring .NET interactive notebooks with VS Code

This was something that I knew wouldn't be hard, but I wanted to validate the code before sending a reply. My normal go-to approach would be to create a console app for testing, but instead I decided to try out something I'd heard about recently: .NET Interactive Notebooks.

Performance booster with System.IO.Pipelines in C#

As our industry has embraced the new strategies for handling the production workloads which include containers (Read as K8s) or Serverless (Read as Functions As A Service), the developers don’t have the luxury of unlimited computing resources on the production environments.

.NET 6: Collections improvements

Before performing a large set of inserts into a Dictionary or HashSet, it is helpful to call EnsureCapacity with the expected collection size. This allows the collection to perform one resize operation upfront, avoiding the possibility of multiple resizes being needed.

Monadic comprehension syntax via LINQ in C#

If you ask a C# developer to list the reasons why they enjoy working with the language, they will most likely put LINQ somewhere at the top. LINQ is an extremely convenient set of language tools that provide ways to query and transform data sequences of arbitrary shapes and origins, in a fluent, lazy, and efficient manner.

Date, Time, and Time Zone enhancements in .NET 6

I’m excited to share with you some of the improvements that have been made to .NET that are coming in .NET 6 in the area of dates, times, and time zones. You can try out all of the following, starting with .NET 6 Preview 4.


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