#384 Everything .NET developer needs to know about disposable types


MongoDB Atlas: Cloud Document Database

MongoDB for VS Code lets you build in a way that fits into your native workflow and development tools. You can connect to your MongoDB Atlas cluster or local instance, browse your databases and collections, edit your documents, and get a quick overview of schema and indexes. It’s also the best way to prototype your queries and aggregations with dynamic playgrounds, syntax highlighting, and intelligent autocomplete.

this week's favorite

Everything .NET developer needs to know about disposable types

Microsoft .NET has been around for 20 years and one thing that is very critical for every to know is exactly how memory management works in the runtime. If you don’t, you will cause performance issues but more serious is causing virtual memory leaks. The way that .NET was designed back in the late ’90s is that it does not have memory leaks in the true sense, but it can create virtual memory leaks.

Differences between Hashtable vs Dictonary vs ConcurrentDictionary vs ImmutableDictionary

Definitely important to remember. Generics have been around since .NET Framework 2.0 around 15 years ago so this is a good reason to consider avoiding Hashtable and using Dictionary<> instead. Hashtable is weakly typed and while it allows you to have keys that map to different kinds of objects which may seem attractive at first, you'll need to "box" the objects up and boxing and unboxing is expensive. You'll almost always want to use Dictionary instead.

My favourite patterns for event driven architecture

Here are my top 5 patterns and concepts (Outbox, Idempotent Consumers, Event Choreography, Orchestration, Retry/Dead Letter) for Event Driven Architecture that you’ll likely implement. Why? Well if you’re new to Event Driven Architecture there are many different problems that you’ll encounter. Most of the issues have well-established patterns or concepts you can leverage to deal with them. Here are the most common patterns for Event Driven Architecture that you’ll likely use.

Introducing devops-friendly EF Core migration bundles

Business applications evolve with time. The changes are reflected in your code, your schema, and your data. Updates to code can often be deployed simply by replacing binary files or pointing the load balancer to new nodes. On the other hand, updates that involve changes to the database are inevitably more complex. Not only do the code and data need to remain in synch, but alterations to schema definitions can cause side effects that ripple across tables. The data in existing columns may need to be transformed or even transferred while the changes are applied, and modern applications are expected to run with minimal downtime.

The simplicity of ASP.NET Endpoints

In this post, we continue where we left off in Maybe it's time to rethink our project structure with ASP.NET 6, and we're going to take a closer look at an Endpoint.


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