#387 Records – The good, bad & ugly


Exploring the Auth0 ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK

The new Auth0 ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK makes adding authentication and authorization to your web applications a breeze.

this week's favorite

Records – The good, bad & ugly

C# Records have been out for a while now and I purposely avoided jumping on the band wagon as all the other bloggers out there in were proclaiming how amazing they are. In my opinion, C# Records have been out just long enough for developers to start using them and unfortunately also misusing them. I am encountering a number of situations where Records are being used and it makes no sense why and none of the functionality they provide is being used.

Making sense of common C# compiler errors

I get to help a lot of people learn C# programming every year. As I watch new developers grow and get used to working in C# and Visual Studio, it has become fairly clear to me that reading C# compiler errors and even their documentation is an acquired skill. I’ve made a request for Microsoft to improve the error message feedback in Visual Studio, but until that’s resolved developers still have a tough time working through early obstacles.

Immutable C#

Getting software right is hard. Any tool that helps us move in that direction is going to be a good choice. One clear challenge is managing things that change. Just like goto is considered harmful, mutating objects should not be the default choice. In C#, it’s not possible to make immutable objects the default choice.

Introducing an async pipeline in C#

Pipelines are an interesting way to implement your code to prevent complex inter-relationships between components. Having used pipelines on some simple synchronous code, I wanted to see what happens when you try it with async code.

Animated Splash Screen with Magic Gradients

How make Splash Screen with animated Magic Gradients? Pros and Cons of these Splash Screens. What can go wrong here?


A Beginner's Guide to Terraform

Terraform is an orchestration tool that allows you to represent your instances and other resources with declarative code inside configuration files, instead of manually creating those resources via the Manager or API. This practice is referred to as Infrastructure as Code, and Terraform is a popular example of this methodology. Learn more in this Beginner's Guide to Terraform.


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