#392 Clean architecture with ASP.NET Core


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Clean architecture with ASP.NET Core

Briefly, Clean Architecture is the most recent (2012) name for a style of application organization that has been around for nearly two decades. Its earlier names included Ports and Adapters, which is fairly descriptive, and Hexagonal, which IMO is a silly name based entirely on some shapes used in a diagram long ago as far as I can tell. These are credited to Alistair Cockburn. Jeffrey Palermo later coined the term Onion Architecture in 2008, but the concepts are essentially the same. All of these are examples of a domain-centric, rather than data-centric, approach to application architecture.

WPF best practices 2021

From healthcare to accounting to education, nearly every organization has its own website by now. The ways we learn, work, and share are so deeply immersed in websites that you might think web development has completely overtaken desktop development.

Reading parameters value with the .NET Profiling APIs

From the list of arguments with their type, it becomes possible to figure out their value when a method gets called. The rest of this post describes how to access method call parameters and get the value of numbers and strings.

Multi-tenancy with Marten

Let’s say that you’re building an online database-backed, web application of some sort that will be servicing multiple clients. At a minimum, you need to isolate data access so that client users can only interact with the data for the correct client or clients. Ideally, you’d like to get away with only having one deployed instance of your application that services the users of all the clients. In other words, you want to support “multi-tenancy” in your architecture.

How not to read a string from an UTF-8 stream

The goal of the code is to read a UTF-8 encoded string from a stream. In the actual context, the stream is a named pipe and there are a few more things to do with the stream.


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