#395 Microsoft .NET history


Add Authentication to Your ASP.NET Core MVC Application

Learn how to add authentication to your ASP.NET Core MVC Application by using Auth0.

this week's favorite

Microsoft .NET history

A timeline to highlight the evolution of the .NET world and all its related components.

Ensuring Santa’s success with automated tests

I’m a big fan of automated testing, but I know that many developers in the C# space are still getting used to some of the concepts, so I figured we’d take this time to do a gentler introduction to test automation with a slightly contrived scenario, and solve it using NUnit and xUnit.

Async Disposables the easy way

In the System.Reactive.Disposables namespace (part of Reactive Extensions), there’s a small and useful Disposable class. It has a Create method that takes in an Action and returns an IDisposable instance. When that instance is disposed, the action is called. It’s a nice way of creating an ad-hoc IDisposable.

Digging into the .NET Dictionary implementation

I had dug into the implementation of the .NET dictionary because of this issue. More specifically, I wanted to know what kind of collision handling system is in use there. The two common ones are open addressing and chaining. The code for the Dictionary is available, but I don’t think that I read much about how it works. I found some interesting tidbits about how it works, enough to warrant a post to remember it for the future.

String interpolation trickery and magic with C# 10 and .NET 6

Interpolated string handlers are primarily designed to provide a performance boost building strings. But is there more to them than meets the eye? I believe that they lay the groundwork for doing much more than just building strings faster.


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