#397 Refactoring with C# 10


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this week's favorite

Refactoring with C# 10

For the C# Advent this year, we'll refactor a sample app using the latest C# 10 language improvements

Expressive C# code with property patterns

Property patterns are interesting ways to make the code more expressive, and in this post, we will see how.

Simplifying user and role based permissions in .NET

For my upcoming release of Craftsman I wanted to add better support for managing permissions to the various features in my projects. After a ton of research, I came across this talk by Dominick Baier that really struck a cord. Here's where I landed on managing my permissions in my .NET projects.

Seven System.Text.Json features in the .NET 6

In .NET 5, you can preserve references for circular references using System.Text.Json. But you couldn't ignore them. The JsonException is thrown if circular references have been detected. In .NET 6, you can ignore them.

Create context-based programming models with .NET 6

In this post, we’ll explore .NET 6 features that can provide an improved programming experience for developers you hope to build for your new platform.


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