#405 Modelling workflows with Finite State Machines in .NET


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Modelling workflows with Finite State Machines in .NET

Imagine a document which needs to be “approved” before it can be sent to a customer - to check for anything from grammar and spelling mistakes to agreed services and prices. Then, imagine that once it’s been approved it’s then sent to the customer. The customer has to approve, reject, or request changes. Whichever they choose, the document is then sent back to the approver for further review. This goes on until the document is complete and every stakeholder has approved it.

Image style transfer with C#, ONNX, and ImageSharp

In this post, we’ll explore the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format, how to use the ONNX runtime in your applications, and what it takes to preprocess and post-process images using ImageSharp to make results shareable.

Sharing code between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core

With the release of .NET 6 there are even more benefits to using ASP.NET Core. But migrating existing code to ASP.NET Core often sounds like a big investment. Today we’ll share how you can accelerate the migration to ASP.NET Core. There are minor changes you can make today that can make it easier to migrate to ASP.NET Core tomorrow.

Using HTTP/3 (QUIC) in .NET

HTTP/3 is a new version of HTTP. HTTP/3 protocol is supported by most modern browsers and servers. This update should bring performance benefits mostly for mobile users or unreliable connections. The main idea is to replace TCP by a new protocol, QUIC, which removes some issues of TCP for HTTP.

Advanced techniques around ASP.NET Core Users and their claims

This article describes some advanced techniques around adding or updating claims of users when building ASP.NET Core applications. These advanced techniques are listed below with examples taken from the AuthPermissions.AspNetCore library / repo.


Free Red Team Security Course

This course aims to teach infosec and cybersecurity professionals the various red team techniques that can be used to attack and determine vulnerabilities in their organization’s security. This course is free and available on-demand. Start today and learn at your own pace.


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