#410 Value types and exceptions in .NET profiling


Treblle - Understand what’s going on with your APIs

Treblle is an API management platform that helps you understand your APIs from development to post-production. It’s an SDK that you add on top of your API. Currently, Treblle supports more than 12 languages. As soon as you add it out of the box you get features like Real-time API monitoring, Automatically generated documentation, 1 click API testing, in-depth API analytics, and many more!

this week's favorite

Value types and exceptions in .NET profiling

Here comes the end of the series about .NET profiling APIs. This final episode describes how to get fields of a value type instance and how to deal with exceptions.

What's up with TimeZoneInfo on .NET 6?

In part 1, we ended up with a lot of test data specified in a text file, but without working tests – and with a conundrum as to how we’d test the .NET Core 3.1 data which requires additional information about the “hidden” AdjustmentRule.BaseUtcOffsetDelta property.

How to use ModelState validation in ASP.NET Core Web API

We always strive to separate concerns and decouple different application layers when designing our APIs. Since client input is the first thing that comes to our web API, we usually want to validate that input before further processing. Also, we want to separate that processing from the rest of the application. Let’s see how we can achieve that in ASP.NET Core.

Middleware in .NET 6 - Conditionally adding middleware to the pipeline

In this final part of the series, we will show two ways to conditionally execute middleware in the pipeline: by using settings in the AppSettings.json file to determine whether or not to add the middleware to the pipeline in the first place, or by using the incoming request's data to conditionally execute a middleware piece already in the pipeline.

Anti-corruption Layer for mapping between Boundaries

What does an anti-corruption layer solve? Most systems rely on data or behaviors from another service or an external 3rd party. The problem is they often don’t share the same semantics or data structures. Left unchecked this leads to convoluting up your own boundary with concepts from another boundary. Let me explain how you can use an anti-corruption layer as a way to translate the concepts from another boundary in isolation.


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