#420 Distributed systems evolution challenges


Auth Considerations for Kubernetes - Free eBook

Everyone is talking about Kubernetes! Apps running in these workloads probably have the concept of users. And where you have users, you have auth. We'll cover topics like service-to-service communication, RBAC, OIDC mapping, and more. Download the eBook today!

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Distributed systems evolution challenges

Version one of the system is happily running in production, and everything proceeds as expected. The business comes and raises some new requirements. The team’s first reaction is, “no problem we can handle those.” They are breaking changes; however, they are in the context of a single service boundary.

Storing Dynamic User Data With Entity Framework Core

Recently, a follower on Twitter asked how they could store “dynamic” user data using Entity Framework Core. Dynamic in the sense that you may not know what the key/value pairs of data will be but they’re still important to store, at least from the user’s perspective. Well, there are two ways I could think of, each with advantages and disadvantages. This post will show you the two ways in which to do just that and how you can apply the strategies in your own EF Core-powered apps.

New Resources to Get Started with .NET MAUI

On May 23, 2022 the .NET Multi-platform App UI, or .NET MAUI, was released to general availability. .NET MAUI gives you a first-class, cross-platform UI stack targeting Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. And we’re excited to announce several different ways to learn .NET MAUI. Whether you already have vast experience building cross-platform apps from the Xamarin days or are a brand-new cross-platform developer, there’s something here for you.

C# 11 static abstract members

C# 11 is currently proposing in preview interface members declared as static abstract. This is useful to handle both: polymorphism at the type level, for example when abstracting the concept of zero accross numeric types double.Zero, int.Zero this leads to T.Zero and polymorphism on operator overloading: double + double, int + int are abstracted with T + T.

The Perils of Combining Multicast Delegates with Tasks in C#

Delegates commonly show up in C# code where events or call backs need to be handled, they are therefore frequently used in Web applications for handling events like a security token validation. In addition, async (asynchronous) methods are used extensively in Web applications for keeping them responsive. Consequently, the two are often used together, however multicast delegates and async methods are quite incompatible, and very easy to unintentionally produce.


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