#421 Should I avoid LINQ for performance reasons?


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this week's favorite

Should I avoid LINQ for performance reasons?

In this post I'm specifically talking about LINQ to objects. With LINQ queries against databases (such as when you're using Entity Framework) performance considerations are mostly related to whether the generated SQL is efficient or not.

Consuming anonymous types with DiagnosticListener in .NET 6

In the previous post I gave a brief introduction to the DiagnosticSource infrastructure and how you can use it to log events emitted by the .NET framework libraries. If you're new to DiagnosticSource I suggest reading that post first. In this post I look at how to consume objects that are passed as anonymous types.

Observing all http requests in a .NET application

.NET provides multiple APIs to send http requests. You can use the HttpClient class and the obsolete HttpWebRequest and WebClient classes. Also, you may use libraries that send requests out of your control. So, you need to use the hooks provided by .NET to observe all http requests.

Feature Flags in .NET, from simple to more advanced

Before we get to the actual content of this post, let's first talk about the concept of feature flags. A feature flag is a way to enable or disable a feature, or code path within an application. Ideally, "the switch" when you turn a feature on or off shouldn't have an effect on the code, nor should it require a new release of the code. It's just a toggle that you can flip on or off via some kind of configuration.

Ogooreck, a sneaky testing library in BDD style

I sometimes forget about it in my daily routine. Our work can be very repetitive, HTML form here, HTML form there. Some time ago, I wrote about examples I did in Java. I wrote them using (in my opinion) an interesting approach to testing. Based on Behavior-Driven Development. It is an approach to testing similar to TDD, but the accent lies elsewhere. Instead of technical tests (Arrange / Act / Assert), we’re focusing on the process, so business logic (Given / When / Then). This small change also allows us to better think about the API of the code we are writing.


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