#427 Why function pointers can’t be used on instance methods


Getting Started With Basic Bindings in .NET MAUI

One of the most important features of an application is that it has the ability to dynamically link data to each of our views. This is where data binding comes in—it is the technique of binding properties so that changes to a property are automatically reflected in our UI. Let’s see how to bind data in .NET MAUI.

this week's favorite

Why function pointers can’t be used on instance methods

First, what are we looking at? The class Getter retrieves the getter of a property by reflection, then gets a function pointer to it, presumably to be able to invoke it without any performance penalty. When running the code, it displays Value: 0 even though the value should be equal to 42.

How to effectively compose your business logic

We may already notice that our shopping cart is a simple state machine. It’s either pending, and we can add products to it, or closed (confirmed or cancelled). If we were object-oriented Java developers, we could model our shopping cart as.

Patterns & Practices for efficiently handling C# async/await cancel processing and timeouts

One important use of async/await is proper cancellation processing. Create a CancellationTokenSource, pass a CancellationToken, and handle OperationCanceledException. All this, however, faces some difficulties to implement efficiently.

An applicative reservation validation example in C#

This code snippet demonstrates how to parse, not validate, an incoming Data Transfer Object (DTO). This code base uses C#'s nullable reference types feature to distinguish between null and non-null objects. Other languages (and earlier versions of C#) can instead use the Maybe monad. Nothing in this article or the book hinges on the nullable reference types feature.

LINQ explained with sketches

This blog post will show a lot of LINQ functions broken down in smaller parts. It will always starts with a info graphic which then gets explained later.


Free eBook: Understanding Databases - Extended Edition

Learn how to release a Django project to production in a scalable and sustainable way by using Github Actions, Docker, Terraform, and Ansible. This combined eBook and video series by Linode + Coding for Entrepreneurs has everything you need to deploy Django to Linux using a managed MySQL database.


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