#438 Boosting Performance With Sealed Classes in .NET


Going Beyond .NET Core Identity Authentication with OIDC

Using ASP.NET Core Identity is great for demos but leads to pain down the road as you grow. This article and example illustrates how to use ASP.NET Core’s OpenID Connector to centralize your .NET app’s authentication and authorization with an OIDC compliant identity server. Your user data will be more secure and you’ll sleep better at night.

this week's favorite

Boosting Performance With Sealed Classes in .NET

In this article, we are going to learn how we can boost performance with sealed classes in our .NET projects.

Clean Code Tip: DRY or not DRY?

You've probably heard about the DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself. Does it really make sense? Not always.

Practical Samples and Tutorials of Event Sourcing in .NET

In this repository I'm showing different aspects and patterns around Event Sourcing from the basic to advanced practices.

That Shouldn't Happen - UnreachableException in .NET 7

We interact with a lot of external systems. Those external systems define their API and tell us what to expect, but if we’re not careful, that could just change out from under us and cause a bunch of problems. Even if we limit ourselves to our own components, there are all sorts of undefined behaviors that could happen if component X does something component Y doesn’t expect.

Testing business logic in Event Sourcing

I’ve heard a few times that Event Sourcing is hard to test. I’m not sure where this myth comes from; maybe from mixing it with event streaming. Event Sourcing logic is pretty straightforward. We’re getting the list of events recorded for a specific entity (e.g. bank account), building the current state from them and running business logic based on it. As a result, we’re getting either a new event or a list of events.


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