#442 What is .NET, and why should you choose it?

.NET has changed a lot over the last few years. Learn why you should choose it for your next project.

What is .NET, and why should you choose it?

.NET has changed a lot over the last few years. Learn why you should choose it for your next project (if you are reading this newsletter you are probably using it but this is a good take for other business stakeholders and organizations outside .NET world).

Thoughts on 'What is .NET, and why should you choose it?'

Microsoft have just posted the first of what will be a series of posts on the design tenets and goals of .NET. This first post acts as an introduction, but it's also very detailed, and moderately technical. It's 5000 words long, so brace yourself.

Service Fabric Handbook

This post is a handbook where you probably will find an answer to “How different things works in Azure Service Fabric?” question.

List Pattern to match an collection against a sequence of patterns

By using list patterns on an array or a list you can check whether a it contains the values you expect in a specific position.

Async EventHandlers – A Simple Safety Net to the Rescue

In this article, I will present another solution that you can try out in your own code. We’ll address the pro’s and con’s from my perspective with respect to how it can be used so you can decide if it makes sense for your use case.

What is a Middleware and how to use it in ASP.NET Core?

Did you ever ask yourself: What is a middleware, and why should I use it? If so, this blog post is exactly for you. We will see where we could use a middleware and also how we can use the Dependecy Injection container of ASP.NET Core.


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