#465 A Comprehensive Guide for Efficient Data Binding

Basics of binding data to the Repeater, customizing the layout, and handling events

A Comprehensive Guide for Efficient Data Binding

Learn how to use the Asp.net Repeater control to display data in a tabular format on your web page. This tutorial covers the basics of binding data to the Repeater, customizing the layout, and handling events.

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Unleashing the Power of .NET Source Code Generators

.NET source generators are a powerful new feature that allows you to generate source code at compile time. This opens up some interesting possibilities for supercharging your .NET.

.NET 8 TimeProvider and Unit Tests

Using dotnet 8 TimeProvider and FakeTimeProvider to test existing date and time based code.

Rock Your Debugging Game: Parallel Stack Window Tips You Need to Know

In Visual Studio 2022 17.6 and 17.7 we added a ton of new features in that can take your multithreaded debugging to the next level. Understanding how your code behaves in a parallel environment is crucial as multithreaded programming becomes the norm.

Breaking Free From Exceptions – A Different Way Forward

Exceptions and exception handling are a core part of C# and many other programming languages. But what If we didn't need to be throwing them?

CancellationTokens 2.0

Cancellation tokens were introduced in 2010 as part of .NET Framework 4.0. As engineers have become more aware of resource costs due to cloud computing and containerization. We’ve become more appreciative of features which can help us reduce those costs and resources in general at a more fine grained level.

Analyzer to validate the parameters of structured log messages

How to use a Roslyn analyzer to validate the parameter types of structured log messages in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.

Translating Exceptions into Problem Details Responses

In this post, we'll take a look at the newly introduced IExceptionHandler in ASP.NET Core 8. We'll implement an exception handler that translates exceptions into Problem Details using the Problem Details Service. The result is a standardized and better experience for your API consumers.


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