#60 Housing Go - Behind the Screens


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Housing Go - Behind the Screens

With the technological advancement and improved capabilities of modern browsers like Service Workers, IndexedDB, Add to Home Screen, Push Notifications, our aim was to make an app that is fast, performant and reliable.

Redux v5.0 release

TLDR: Backwards compatible API. Major internal changes. Significant performance improvements in common usage patterns. Bugs fixed. Additional features added to connect(). New connectAdvanced() API.

How To Scale React Applications

Nowadays, due to rich web applications, scaling has become an important topic on the front end, too! The front end of a complex app needs to be able to handle a large number of users, developers and parts. These three categories of scaling (users, developers and parts) need to be accounted for; otherwise, there will be problems down the line.

Routing React Apps: The Complete Guide

Route your React applications with ease. Learn all the fundamentals.


ReactJS For Dummies: React Redux, the Right Way

This is the official free online convention™ and tutorial book for React.JS Developers. React is not only the View (in MVC) anymore - learn your way to use React and Redux altogether.


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