#114 On React and WordPress

this week's favorite

On React and WordPress

Big companies like to bury unpleasant news on Fridays: A few weeks ago, Facebook announced they have decided to dig in on their patent clause addition to the React license, even after Apache had said it’s no longer allowed for Apache.org projects. In their words, removing the patent clause would "increase the amount of time and money we have to spend fighting meritless lawsuits."

How to use React Lifecycle Methods

React lifecycle methods can be confusing if you don’t know which one to use for your particular use case. Basically, the lifecycle of a React component consists of three stages: Mount, Update and Unmount. Each of them calls certain lifecycle methods, that you can use for certain actions. For example, when initially mounting a component, you can use componentDidMount to fetch the data you want to show from a server. 

Redux with less boilerplate + loading and error states

Redux with less boilerplate, actions statuses and controlled side-effects in a single shot. No more action creators and action types, just actions¹ and reducers. Actions dispatch their result automatically. Error status for every action with no extra code. Busy status for every async action (yep, no extra code!). Cancellable actions.

Kea - High level abstraction between React and Redux

Redux took the React world by a storm when it was introduced. The simple idea provided a guideline for the community and "solved" state management for a lot of different kinds of applications.

Companies who adopted React Native over a year ago, do you regret it?

I'm interested in the opinion of React Native from companies who chose to build their mobile apps with React Native and have been doing so for at least a year. RN passes the first-week smell test really well. How has it held up for you in production? How has it held up for dev teams of ~10 or more? Pros and cons?


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