#37 Daily Tech: Former Apple exec tasked with enforcing insider trading rules admits to insider trading

Former Apple exec tasked with enforcing insider trading rules admits to insider trading

Apple’s former senior director of corporate law and corporate secrecy has officially admitted to partaking in an insider trading scheme. Gene Levoff was first indicted for insider trading in 2019, and while he was initially fighting the charges, he has now admitted to his role in these insider trading transactions.

Atlassian is 20 years old and unprofitable — the market has its valuation all wrong, says Adam Schwab

Atlassian has somehow become the Benjamin Button of the tech sector — profitable as a startup and loss making as it has matured.

Swedish Radio created fake pharmacy - reveals how Facebook stored sensitive information

Each day Facebook receives a large amount of information from other businesses who want to advertise via them. However, some information, for example, that of people's sex life, illnesses and medicines, is so sensitive that Facebook themselves say that they don't want it.

Pentagon finds concerning vulnerabilities on blockchain

A report commissioned by the Pentagon concluded that the blockchain is not decentralized, is vulnerable to attacks and is running outdated software. The report, “Are Blockchains Decentralized, Unintended Centralities in Distributed Ledgers”, uncovered that a subset of participants can “exert excessive and centralized control over the entire blockchain system.”

A wide range of routers are under attack by new, unusually sophisticated malware

Router-stalking ZuoRAT is likely the work of a sophisticated nation-state, researchers say.

New Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters

Mozilla Firefox 102 was released today with a new privacy feature that strips parameters from URLs that are used to track you around the web.


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