#190 with-react-hooks
Now free to use: Make front-end features faster, with Mason
With Mason, create browser-based user-interface software in minutes. Mason provides front-end software features as a service using React components and HTML5 custom elements. Mason features are given a unique identifier, which is deployed to your application codebase. At runtime, the Mason library fetches your feature configuration from our API and renders your implementation in your application.
this week's favorite
I love hooks, but it kind of sucks that they can't be used in class components. But we can fix that! This package exposes an HOC withReactHooks, that allows any hook to be used inside of a class component.
ReactJS – Auto Lint & Format on Git Commit with Airbnb Style Guide
When you’re working in a team, each developer will have their own style. It’s very important to have a consistent style across all the files.
Algorithms are a fascinating use case for visualization. To visualize an algorithm, we don’t merely fit data to a chart; there is no primary dataset. Instead there are logical rules that describe behavior. This may be why algorithm visualizations are so unusual, as designers experiment with novel forms to better communicate. This is reason enough to study them.
Build React App Faster by Writing your Own Higher-Order Components
Now that hooks have officially been released in React 16.8 and that everybody is trying to convince you to rewrite all your React projects using nothing but hooks, let’s see if there is still something to achieve using Higher-Order Components. (Spoiler alert: the answer is “yes”) In this article, we will see how you could avoid code duplication by learning to write your own Higher-Order Components.
Optimal file structure for React applications
Dan Abramov famously officialized the file structure for React applications as “move files around until they feel right.” I do not want to disagree with this point. I agree wholeheartedly. However, despite Dan’s advice, the question of optimal file structure still gains traction frequently. Despite absolute freedom, developers are still uncomfortable with exploring new territories; and I think they have a point. It’s a lot of work to refactor a code base for a file structure change, and it takes a lot of trial and error to find one you like. It would be beneficial to know some ground rules before mapping out your expedition — what have those who came before you discovered?
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