#66 How to communicate why your startup is worth joining

How to communicate why your startup is worth joining

Except for a handful of companies who send people to Mars or develop AGI, most startups don’t seem to offer a good reason to join them. You go to their websites and all you see is vague, baseless, overly generic mission-schmission/values-schvalues HR nonsense that supposedly should turn you into a raving fan of whatever they’re doing and make you hit that “Join” button until their servers crash.

This Startup Is Selling Tech to Make Call Center Workers Sound Like White Americans

In a demo with Motherboard, Sanas executives had an employee call in from India and switched on its software to make them sound American.

California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars

The decision, to take effect by 2035, will very likely speed a wider transition to electric vehicles because many other states follow California’s standards.

Google research AI image noise reduction is out of this world

Google Research releases an open source project called MultiNerf to improve photo quality.

Why do arrays start at 0?

It's not the reason you think. No, it's not that reason either.

You Can 3D Print and Build This 164mm f/2.5 Lens for Less Than $15

It may look unconventional, but it works!


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