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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

What is the cost of casting in .NET (C#)?

8 Feb 2022 4 mins .NET, C#, Performance

As I was (at that moment) running out of ideas about optimizations in hot paths in FbNetExternalEngine, I turned my attention into other parts of code. And one piece that was doing casting on every call caught my attention. Could I make the casting faster? What is actually the cost of casting? Does it matter? I had to dive into it.


The setup of this benchmark was pretty straightforward. In my case the casting was from object to ITuple. Your mileage may vary.

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19043.1466 (21H1/May2021Update)
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK=6.0.101
  [Host]     : .NET 6.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT

Method argument

First, I tried casting the argument of a method.

public ITuple UnsafeCastArgument(object o)
	return Unsafe.As<ITuple>(o);
public ITuple RegularCastArgument(object o)
	return (ITuple)o;
Method o Mean Error StdDev Ratio Code Size
UnsafeCastArgument ? 0.0002 ns 0.0003 ns 0.0003 ns 0.000 4 B
RegularCastArgument ? 1.0396 ns 0.0044 ns 0.0036 ns 1.000 25 B
UnsafeCastArgument (10) 0.0003 ns 0.0005 ns 0.0005 ns 0.000 4 B
RegularCastArgument (10) 2.1023 ns 0.0044 ns 0.0041 ns 1.000 25 B
UnsafeCastArgument (10, 20) 0.0001 ns 0.0002 ns 0.0002 ns 0.000 4 B
RegularCastArgument (10, 20) 2.1028 ns 0.0056 ns 0.0049 ns 1.000 25 B
UnsafeCastArgument (10, (…)8, 9) [38] 0.0002 ns 0.0005 ns 0.0005 ns 0.000 4 B
RegularCastArgument (10, (…)8, 9) [38] 2.3068 ns 0.0033 ns 0.0027 ns 1.000 25 B

The ? denotes null, rest is regular ValueTuples of various sizes.

The unsafe casting is, as expected, a clear winner. Looking at the disassembly makes it obvious.

mov       rax,rdx    

Could this be any smoother? 😃

The safe variant looks like this.

sub       rsp,28
mov       rcx,offset MT_System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ITuple
add       rsp,28

If you’d like to check implementation of CORINFO_HELP_CHKCASTINTERFACE, you can start here.


For the completeness-sake I also tested how the code behaves when casting property.

public object O { get; set; }

public ITuple UnsafeCastProperty()
	return Unsafe.As<ITuple>(O);
public ITuple RegularCastProperty()
	return (ITuple)O;
Method O Mean Error StdDev Ratio Code Size
UnsafeCastProperty ? 0.0009 ns 0.0008 ns 0.0007 ns 0.001 5 B
RegularCastProperty ? 1.2440 ns 0.0017 ns 0.0014 ns 1.000 29 B
UnsafeCastProperty (10) 0.0007 ns 0.0008 ns 0.0007 ns 0.000 5 B
RegularCastProperty (10) 2.3092 ns 0.0036 ns 0.0030 ns 1.000 29 B
UnsafeCastProperty (10, 20) 0.0008 ns 0.0013 ns 0.0012 ns 0.000 5 B
RegularCastProperty (10, 20) 2.3122 ns 0.0024 ns 0.0022 ns 1.000 29 B
UnsafeCastProperty (10, (…)8, 9) [38] 0.0007 ns 0.0008 ns 0.0006 ns 0.000 5 B
RegularCastProperty (10, (…)8, 9) [38] 2.1110 ns 0.0080 ns 0.0075 ns 1.000 29 B

The numbers are more or less the same.

The assembly is virtually identical, only difference being dealing with accessing the value from [rcx+8] instead of directly from rdx.

mov       rax,[rcx+8]
sub       rsp,28
mov       rdx,[rcx+8]
mov       rcx,offset MT_System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ITuple
add       rsp,28


Do 2 nanoseconds matter? Most of the time no. But I wanted to look at this anyway.

Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at