#415 Building a Stack Overflow browser as a VS extension


What’s Coming for Blazor in .NET 7?

Once .NET MAUI is officially released, we can expect to see some more significant Blazor improvements in the subsequent .NET preview releases. But what exactly can we expect?

this week's favorite

Building a Stack Overflow browser as a VS extension

I have been writing a couple of integration with the Stack Overflow API for both the elmah.io app and some public exceptions pages that we launched recently (like System.DivideByZeroException). For this post, I want to show you how to pull data from Stack Overflow with C#. For demo purposes (and TBH because I wanted to play more with Visual Studio extensions), the sample code for this post will end out in a small Visual Studio extension (VSIX).

Using sharding to build multi-tenant apps using ASP.NET Core and EF Core

This article describes how to use EF Core and ASP.NET Core to create a multi-tenant application where each different groups (known as tenants) has its own database – this is known as sharding. A second section describes how to build a hybrid a multi-tenant design which supports multiple tenants in one database and tenants that has its own database, i.e. sharding.

On awaiting a task with a timeout in C#

Say you have an awaitable object, and you want to await it, but with a timeout. How would you build that?

Finding “routes” of all-pairs shortest paths with Floyd-Warshall algorithm in C#

In this post, I invite you to join me and extend the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. This time, we are going to make sure we can calculate the distance and rebuild the “route”.

How to use biometric authentication in .NET MAUI

Biometric authentication has become an increasingly integral part of mobile apps to ensure that the user is the rightful owner of the device that they’re using. Here’s how you can authenticate via Face ID (iOS) or fingerprint (Android / iOS) in your .NET MAUI app.


Free eBook: Try Infrastructure as Code

This ebook is meant to be a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to use some of the most in-demand IaC tools that exist: Terraform, Ansible, Puppet (and Puppet Bolt), Chef, and Salt. Each tool is covered as mostly a stand-alone-project that focuses on deploying a simple Docker-based Python web application from Github.


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